Monday 24 February 2020

WHAT?! I lost 6lb in one week

So I joined slimming world again. As you may know I have done slimming world in the past and for me I know this works. I just wanted to get back into good habits and get my goal body. My general diet is not too bad I try to eat clean like no fried foods but my main let down is that I love to snack from chocolate to crisps.

I will be honest I did not intend on joining again, I had lost some weight last year and I seemed to be slowly loosing more, there would be weeks I would just stay the same and maybe loose 1lb here or there but wasn't being consistent. I just sat there one day and said I am going to join why not!

The first major step is joining and I was so pleased that I did.

If you're unsure how it works I'll give a quick low down on the basics. There is four food categories:

Free food
A majority of your fresh fruit, vegetables also includes lean meat, fish, pasta and potatoes. Enjoy as much free food as you want!

Healthy extra A
These like cheeses milk etc things that have calcium. You can have two measured healthy A's. 

Healthy extra B 
Fibre based foods like breads and cereals and nuts and seeds for healthy oils. Only one measured portion of healthy A

Anything that is not in any of the above categories is a syn so that's like biscuits, chocolate and alcohol. You can have a set amount each day

I read through the book again just to refresh my memory on the good and things to avoid or have in moderation. 

So how did I do on my first week?
Well my first day I did not start on the best because for lunch I went to Wagamama's lol but after that I just focused. I planned my meals, switched a couple things and I lost 6lb in my first week! I honestly could not believe it and from then I have been motivated it gave me the boost I needed.

Just making a few simple changes to me shows it can be done and it reminded me that although some foods say they are good for you or good in moderation it's not always the case.

For example my overnight oats I would have every day and I even included the recipe on a previous post, see here, I simply changed the milk (HEXA), honey (SYN) and chia seeds (HEXB) for far free Greek yoghurt and add fruit for the sweetness. What I have swapped them for are free foods so I can enjoy my HEX's else where.

I will continue over the coming weeks/months to share my progress and even some meals I have been enjoying.

Have you tried slimming world in the past?

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