Monday 30 September 2019

Goals for October

I'm going to be doing these posts every few months, I find it a bit exciting to have a goal and something to work towards. The reason I'm not doing it every month as I believe sometimes you may not achieve that goal straight away and you're still working on it.

So for October I have a few things I want to concentrate on.....

Adjust skin care
As we are approaching autumn and winter I need to find a skin care routine that is suitable for this weather. I tend to struggle but I will be investing some time in researching some products to use for my combination skin. If anyone can recommend anything drop a comment below!

Stop spending!
Now this is going to be a hard one for me because I love to shop but I have realised I don't always need things I just want them cause they look nice. So I'm going to be working on a budget!

Loose more weight
Since my last goals post (click here) I've lost some weight and when I stepped on the scales I was so happy with the results I now just want to continue and be the best I can be (sounds typical I know!). Before I found it such a struggle to get to this weight and I'm so pleased I done it. I'm not telling you how much on purpose as when I get to my ultimate goal I will share in detail!

Food plan
With the above comes a good balanced diet. I am slowly getting there and learning more about my body and the foods that agree with me. I try to make sure I eat a long of green food, one cause I love it but two because it's good for you and has so many good nutrients. I have started to meal plan it's so much easier for me then cooking every night. Keep an eye out as I will be writing a post shortly on a quick and simple meal plan for a week.

Have you got any goals?

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