Friday 28 June 2019

Thank you

I'll be honest I sat here for a while thinking what to call this post and I couldn't think of anything better than thank you.

You know from my last post I made a big move to the big "smog" as my auntie said. It has been such a crazyyyyy couple months honestly.

Everyone that had helped me from family to friends and even people I worked with, the reception team were even keeping boxes aside for me, were just so helpful. It took a lot to do this move and I don't know how I would of done it especially with the support of my parents they were just so so amazing.

As you know I have been super busy with working, settling in, unpacking and going out (my social life is on steroids at the moment). I haven't had any time to just relax and I really wanted to send a couple thank you cards but finding time is a myth and then I don't even know where a post office is let alone a post box is lol!

One night I was here doing a few bits and it suddenly came to me why don't I send an e card. I do not know why I didn't think of it before. So of course I went to Paperless Post. It is so easy to use you pick your card and they have everything and then customise it you can change pretty much everything from backgrounds to fonts and send straight to persons inbox. It is that simple.

Again, thank you to all of you wonderful people that helped me, I am so grateful.

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