Monday 24 June 2019

Where have I been?

Hi guys!!

Firstly, I want to say I am so so sorry I haven't posted on here or my YouTube, the last couple months have been absolutely crazy for me! Some of you know if you following me on Snapchat or Instagram but for those of you who don't, I made a big decision and moved to Croydon. Yes I finally done it! After wanting to move to London way for so many years, I found a job and decided to move.

I was very lucky that I only had two interviews and the second one I got! When I found I had the job, I had 6 weeks till I started my new one but also what was crazy and didn't really settle in until like my last day was the fact I was leaving my job at the time and miss the crazy friends and family that I had there.

Within two weeks  I found a place to live which was quite stressful but I found somewhere which is close to my work so no public transport! I was thankful to find a place quite early on as the last thing I wanted was everything being!

Then the fun started more when I was doing the shopping and deciding what colour bed sheets do I want? What's my colour scheme going to be? And having my mum with me was so great but slightly sad at the same time as we both knew I was leaving soon. The move itself was tiring and I didn't realise how much stuff I actually owned, considering I was in a small room previously!

Overall the whole experience has been amazing and I've got some pretty special people around me who have helped me, mainly my parents (love you both) and believe I will no be looking to move in the near future!

I will be posting like normal, every Monday, so keep an eye out and I will keep you all updated with how I'm getting on!

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