It's a few days later then usual sorry! I have bought (including spending some of the points I have on my Boots card but still have loads left) quite a few beauty products this month but I am only showing the main ones and my favourites. January has been a bit of a dull month to be honest I've just felt so depressed and with the cold weather coming as well I haven't wanted to leave my house and do anything I even went to London last weekend and unlike me I did not go shopping, what is wrong with me!! Anyway back onto the subject, below is some of the products I purchased and so pleased with (click continue reading for more description on them).

Urban Decay - Naked3
I've had my eye on purchasing one of the Urban Decay Naked palettes for quite some time now and have always been a little scared of the price (if you personally know me don't ask me why! lol) Nowara (bless her heart) for Christmas had given me a voucher for the Urban Decay concession stand in Debenhams towards it and luckily I was given another Debenhams voucher by another member of my family too. I was sooo excited that I would finally be getting on as I've seen an heardso many good things about them and wanted to try it out for myself. The next struggle was choosing one, there I only three of them but yet so much choice, did I want shimmery or mattes, more neutral tones? After hunting online for reviews and studying the colours on the palettes I chose Naked3, it came with sample eye primers which I've never used before and a double ended shadow/blending brush. If anyone knows of any good tutorials for day and night looks, comment below or tweet me @JanayAndre
No7 BB Cream
I have a bit amount of Boots points and decided to treat myself a bit and purchased a BB Cream from No7 in fair. Whenever I apply foundation or anything with colour I use too little when applying because I don't ever really see a difference (and don't want to look like I have plastered a layer on my face) but when the lady at the No7 counter tried some on me se did put more on me and I was a little scared of before seeing the results I slightly squinted but when I looked in the mirror I was very happy as I looked natural but my skin tone was evened out.
No7 and Bourjois Lipsticks and Real Techniques Lipstick Brush
Lately my lipstick collection has been growing..... a lot. I love the idea of wearing it especially on my days off and when I go out (as I don't wear it on a day to day basis). I've looked more into how to keep my lipstick lasting longer and to stop it from bleeding so much (have not yet mastered the trick of using lip liner!). To start with I bought the Real Techniques retractable lip brush, I'm just addicted to Real Techniques if you haven't noticed. I haven't yet used it but you cannot go wrong with having on of these in your make up bag. I also purchased two new lovely lipsticks No7 Hot Copper which I feel its a great day colour for a Red and Bourjois 04 Rose Tweed and this s perfect if your unsure which colour you want or you have dramatic eyes and want to keep the lips subtle but with a hint of colour.
Left : No7 Hot Copper - Right : Bourjois Rose Tweed