Monday 20 April 2020

The Ordinary hyaluronic acid review

Do you now how long I have wanted to try something from The Ordinary? Well for the absolute longest! Their packaging just looks so simple and clean and like no fuss. They have so many products I wasn't sure where exactly to begin.

So every so often I would browse the internet and just generally look to see what kind of products are out there and what to use. I also went to a couple talks about skincare by Dermalogica and Kiehls and it made me think more about my skincare regime and need to step it up a bit.

As a introduction I decided I would try the hyaluronic acid, now this does come in different form, you can either take supplements, apply direct onto the skin or I did read injectable? Not sure if I would want to do that. Our bodies naturally have this but over time basically as we get older (lol) it decreases. There is several benefits to using this which include:
  • Improves dry skin by keeping it moisturised 
  • Keeping your joints lubricated
  • Plumps your skin leaving it looking fresh

How do I use it?
I'll be honest sometimes I applied it at night sometimes in the morning but now for the past two month so I have just been using it at night. I use a toner then apply a few drops to my face, massage in and let it dry then apply my night moisturiser and eye gel/cream. 

My verdict
My skin has honestly felt a so much better. I have combination skin and usually I would suffer from time to time dry flaky skin around the lower part of my face but at the moment I haven't so it's doing what it says and putting that moisture back in my skin where it's needed. Every morning when I wake up my face just feels smooth. My make up tends to apply easier now as well. 

Will I re purchase?
Erm yes I will be repurchasing this little gem and I will look at what other products they have too!

Have you tried this before or looking to?

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