Monday 30 March 2020

Quick and simple home made tomato sauce

With everything that has been going on lately I have found myself doing more home cooking which I am loving. I've been throwing (not literally lol) things together and seeing what happens really. I find experimenting with food so fun

When the shortage of tinned tomatoes started amongst other things happened, I started to panic as tinned tomatoes are for me a staple item in my cupboard. One day I went out and I honestly couldn't find any tinned tomatoes even plum anywhere but I could find fresh, so I decided I would make my own tomato sauce to go with my pasta

This is just a quick and simple recipe I have been using lately and it's great to add to any pasta dish. Also I am doing slimming world and this is completely free!

What you'll need
Frying pan
Medium/large size saucepan
Chopping board
Sharpe knife
Slicer dicer (optional)
Measuring spoons
Potato masher
Wooden spoon

10-14 round tomatoes roughly chopped
1 small onion finely chopped
Fry light
1 tsp garlic granules
Half tsp coriander leaf
1 tsp dried basil
Half tsp paprika
Quarter tsp oregano
Salt and pepper to taste
Half tbsp of tomato puree
Sprinkle of chilli flakes (optional)
Few drops of soy sauce

How to make
1. Spray the frying pan with fry light and place on a medium heat then spray the saucepan and put on a low heat.

2. Slice and finely chop the onion and place in the pan stirring until they have become translucent.

3. Whilst the onions are cooking, roughly chop your tomatoes into smallish chunks and add to the saucepan.

4. Using the potato masher, mash the tomatoes to break them down further

5. Once the onions are cooked add these to the saucepan along with the herbs bring to the boil.

6. Turn down the heat and allow it to simmer, stirring occasionally

7. Taste it, (be careful it will be hot!) and add anything additional where required.

And that's it, as I said this is a quick and simple basic tomato sauce.

If you make this let me know and I hope you enjoy!

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