Tuesday 5 November 2019

5 ways to stay positive

Recently I have been a lot more positive and generally more happier and there is a number of things that have made that happen but I wanted to share with you guys the main things that have helped me. Just before I carry on these things are not anything new and that a lot of you don't know already but sometimes I find you may just have to be gently reminded and think about you!

Balance diet
We all know the saying, you are what you eat and I truly believe that. When you get fast food and eat things that are processed they will only keep you satisfied for a short period of time but I find when you avoid all of that badness and plan and actually look at what your putting in your body you feel so much better for it. Don't get me wrong I will still have the odd take away as a treat but I just balance everything.

A few years ago I would not be saying this but now I love to work out it releases all these endorphins and after I feel so good. Even on days where I can't make it to the gym I have still done at least 30 minutes walking that day and I will try do a little home workout depending what my evening has planned. Also with the exercise you don't want to eat any rubbish food cause you will undo all that hard work you've put in.

Sleep is so important, with busy lifestyles these days it can be so hard to get a decent night sleep. I try and set myself a goal each evening, especially during the week when I have work, to say to myself I will get what I want done that evening by a certain time and then get ready for bed I aim to be fully in bed and shut down from the world by 10pm it don't always work but I have a aim and that's the main thing.

You must not forget to have some fun! Which ever way you like to do it, eat out, go out with your friends or catch up with a few bottles of wine just have some fun! You have to enjoy life you can't live your life by sticking to a routine.

And smile! There isn't much to say about this one but smile, you may smile at someone and they could be having a bad day and you giving them that smile could just brighten their day even in these winter days ahead!

What do you do to stay positive?

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