Some of you may have noticed some unappealing green drinks I have been making recently and then some more appealing pink ones, well the story behind it is I don't get enough good food in my body and I want it to change. I know for a fact I don't eat enough fruit let alone trying to reach the 5 a day (including veg). I enjoy and love eating fruit but sometimes it seems like such a force to eat it so I thought there must be another way for me to get the goodness and seeing all over the internet that people are on this juicing thing. You may be thinking but smoothies (as some would call it) have been about for years which I know that but its now become something more out there to do and making them yourself is more fun as buying them from shops or doing the juice detoxes can be quite/very expensive. I researched a green juice which includes spinach to begin with as I have been adding this to nearly every dinner I eat and found a few for beginners which are very simple to do which I will give you a basic recipe of one I make. I will mix it up a bit have a spinach based one or a berry based both taste good an are good for you and as a plus I am feeling a lot better in myself, will soon be looking at other recipes soon to try.
See below of the recipes I currently make using the Breville Blend Active
Very Berry
300ml of cranberry juice (more or less depending how thick you want the consistency
5-10 chopped strawberries
5-10 raspberries
4-6 mango chunks (fresh or frozen)
4-6 pineapple chunks
Few ice cubes and blend :)
Goodness Green

2oz of roughly chopped spinach (stems cut off too)
150ml of water
150ml of mango juice
2 chopped kiwis
4-6 mango chunks
4-6 pineapple chunks
Hand full of kale (optional)
Few ice cubes and blend :)
If you know of any other yummy let me know.. Tweet me or comment below :P